Registration +
Registration +
Registration +
Registration +
Want to be a part of the HBDA family?
Tuition, Registration + Policies
Dancers may register at any time during the month, between September and January. Tuition is calculated based on an annual fee for the calendar year which is divided into 10 monthly installments (number of class times per month can vary depending on calendar year + holidays).
Monthly installments are automatically charged on the 1st of every month through May 31st, 2025 and require a credit card on file with Auto-Pay.
*Tuition is not prorated for starting late in the month.
You will be charged full tuition for the month that you register in. If you register after the last class of the month takes place, tuition will be applied to the upcoming month. For example, enrolling in a Tuesday Jazz class:
- If you register between the first and last Tuesday of September, you will be charged September tuition.
- If you register after the last Tuesday of September, the charge will be applied to October tuition, and your dancer will start in October. ​
Sep 3 2024 - May 31 2025
$35 due each dance year per dancer
30 min class: $58/ month ($55 Belmont Res)
45 min class: $83/ month ($78 Belmont Res)
60 min class: $100/ month ($94 Belmont Res)
75 min class: $115/ month ($108 Belmont Res)
90 min class: $125/ month ($118 Belmont Res)
*as classes at the Crystal location are located in San Mateo, the Belmont Resident discount will not apply.
DROP IN (Adult Classes only)
$25/ per class
We advise that you register 24 hours in advance. Registration may close the day of and will re-open after class for following weeks.
Free after FIVE: Dancers may take unlimited classes after enrolling in five paid weekly classes. Please enroll in all your classes, the system will update tuition accordingly.
Belmont Resident: In Partnership with the City of Belmont, Belmont residents receive a small discount on tuition.
Trial classes are offered to those who are unsure about a certain style or maybe unsure about dance in general. We may also recommend trial classes to evaluate a dancer for class placement.
To schedule a trial in a level I or beginning class, login or create an account in the parent portal and click "register for classes", look for "schedule trial" underneath the class name and follow steps to schedule a trial for whichever week works best for you.
To schedule a trial or evaluation for a level II+ class, please submit a Placement Request Form and we will recommend a specific class based on the dancer's age and experience. If we have already recommended a trial class for you, please follow steps below.
1. Agree to waivers:
- login to the parent portal
- on the homepage, scroll down and click the ✓ icon
- use the tabs to agree to the HBDA Waiver
2. Email us (at hbdaoffice@gmail.com) with the following info:
- your dancer's name
- the recommended class
- the specific day/week that you would like to trial the class
Trial classes are open only: during the dance year, when registration is open, if class capacity is open. Trials are not offered for summer activities.
Dancers may trial up to two different classes (limited to one trial per class)
Tuition is not prorated for trial classes, dancers pay full tuition for the month they register in
Scheduling a trial does NOT confirm a dancer's place in the class, the only way to secure the spot is to register
In the event that a class fills up, trials will no longer be available and previously scheduled trials will be cancelled
Studio dress code, class etiquette and drop off/ pick up policies apply to trials. Please read our studio policies + protocols below.
For adult classes + specialty workshops, we do not offer trial classes.
Dress Code
All dancers are expected to arrive to each class in proper dress code with hair pulled back view dress code
Class Etiquette
All dancers are expected to arrive to class on time and ready to warm up.
If dancers are late to class and miss the warm-up, the instructor will determine if the dancer can or cannot participate in the class. Arriving late becomes a safety issue if dancers are not properly warmed up before dancing.
No gum, jewelry, cell phones, or disruptive behavior are allowed.
Respect for the teachers, staff, dancers, and one's self are expected at all times.
Parents - Drop off / Pick up​
Parking is available on both sides of the facility (Ralston Ave and Belburn Drive) at Barrett Community Center.
Parking is available within the shopping center at our Crystal studio.
All dancers are expected to arrive on time.
Parents, friends or visitors may not enter the dance room, as it is disruptive to the dancers and instructor during class
Parents may always watch class from a distance outdoors
NO video recording or photos are permitted of classes in session. This is for the safety and respect of our dancers and teachers. For our youngest classes (Dance Discovery, Pre-Ballet, Mini Hip Hop, Tiny Tumbling, Tiny Tap), photos/videos will be permitted on the last day of class of the month. Parents/ visitors still must remain outside of the dance room.​
Single drop-in classes are available for purchase via your Parent Portal, and are available for adult classes only (ages 18+).
Advance registration is required prior to joining class. ​​
Class Transfers
Dancers may transfer to another class at anytime between September and January
To request a transfer, please email hbdaoffice@gmail.com with your request. If the class is open and your dancer is eligible, we will process the transfer and the system will update your tuition.
Auto-Pay Cancellations​
No refunds or credits are issued for the $35 Registration Fee, late cancellations, missed classes of any reason or holidays.
To cancel a class at anytime, please email hbdaoffice@gmail.com by the 25th of the month before your next billing month (excluding December, which we must be notified by the 15th).
Drop-In Cancellations (adult classes)
No refunds or credits are issued for the $35 Registration Fee, late cancellations, or no-shows
To cancel your drop-in, please email hbdaoffice@gmail.com at least 24 hours prior to class time. A credit will be issued to your account or we can re-schedule your drop-in date.
Private Lesson Cancellations
No refunds or credits are issued for late cancellations.
To cancel your lesson, please email hbdaoffice@gmail.com at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled lesson.
Instructors are not responsible for letting the office know of known cancellations.
Lessons may be rescheduled upon instructor availability and notice at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled lesson time.
Absences can be submitted through the parent portal, by email (hbdaoffice@gmail.com) or by call/text (650-367-7501)
Reasoning for absences is always appreciated, especially in the event of illness
Refunds/credits are not issued for missed classes.
Makeup Classes (monthly tuition classes)
Dancers are welcome and encouraged to schedule makeups for missed classes due to illness or scheduling conflicts in a same or lower level class
All makeups require HBDA approval and must be scheduled through the HBDA office ahead of time
To schedule a makeup, please email (hbdaoffice@gmail.com) or call/text (650-367-7501)
No makeups will be scheduled for any classes that fall on a holiday.
We are unable to reschedule makeup classes in the event your dancer can no longer attend the makeup.
Waitlisted Enrollment
If a dancer is interested in a class that is full, we always recommend signing up on the waitlist through the parent portal
We will contact you by email as soon as a space opens up for your dancer. If we do not hear back from you within 3 business days, the spot will be offered to the next eager dancer on the waitlist.
We're always looking to add more classes to the schedule if possible and may contact you to gather dancer availability and interest for a new class.
Class Cards
Class Cards are valid for Adult Classes and can be purchased via the Parent Portal.​​
Class Cards must be purchased prior to joining class. Advance sign-up for classes is not required; however an available 'punch' on the card is required prior to joining class.
Class Cards are valid for 1 person and cannot be shared.
Previously purchased Class Cards are valid between seasons, and will expire May 31, 2025.